India is taking no chances on a shortage of apples this year! Although the harvest only begins late February, the forward think buyers are already booking their share of the crop.
Last year they placed an order later in the year, and only received 3 containers out of 15 ordered due to lack of stock from their previous suppliers. This year they are taking no chances. They have ordered and paid the deposit on 25 containers of Gala/NZ Zealand Queen Class 1 apples with us already.
They are also negotiating an order for onions, which again will only be available next year. This way not only do they get the best prices and premium quality, but also ensure continuity of supply and become favoured clients.
Forward booking is the ideal solution for both suppliers and buyers. Buyers can guarantee their supply and also get “platinum” status, and suppliers can manage the supply chain and forward capacity that will be required accurately.